In Delhi, around 14 children go missing everyday, according to the records of Delhi government's Home Department.
The data compiled in the past two years between 2010 and 2012 says that out of 14 children only 10 are traced and four are still not found.
In the past two years, 11,554 kids went missing, according to the data compiled within 851 days.
Only 7457 kids were found during this period and 3,117 still remained untraceable.
Among the missing 11,554 children, 5464 were girls. Records show that the kids either came back themselves or were traced by the police.
Another worrying factor is that every year the figure is going up.
In 2010, 5091 kids went missing and out of them 3937 were traced. But in the following year in 2011, 5111 went missing but only 3752 were found.
So far up to April 2012, as many as 1372 went missing but only 768 were found.
The number of girls among the missing children between the said period is 1533, which is almost half the number.
Densely populated and illegal colonies of east Delhi and north-east Delhi tops the chart from where most of the kids went missing.