The Border Security Force (BSF) has apprehended a 60-year-old Pakistani man hailing from Sindh province who inadvertently crossed the international border from near Santalpur town of Patan district, officials said today
Ahmedabad: The Border Security Force (BSF) has apprehended a 60-year-old Pakistani man hailing from Sindh province who inadvertently crossed the international border from near Santalpur town of Patan district, officials said today.
"The BSF, Gujarat Frontier, had yesterday apprehended a Pakistani citizen identified as Khoda Koli, a villager of Surachand village of Nagarparkar tehsil in Sindh province of Pakistani, and later handed him over to police," Assistant Commander V S Sirohi at Gujarat Frontier of BSF said today.
Sirohi said Koli was apprehended by the BSF personnel guarding at the border outposts (BoPS). "Koli stated that he had crossed the border by mistake as he was just roaming around the area and found him on Indian side," Sirohi said.
The officer said that BSF had found nothing suspicious from the Pakistani citizen, who was dressed in Pathani kurta and dhoti. "We have handed him over to Santalpur police station to conduct further inquiry," he added.
In last five months, this is the fourth incident where a Pakistani citizen had crossed the border and intruded into the Indian side. A mentally unstable man from Pakistani in his 40s, who had on August 5 entered India, was apprehended by the BSF from Vighakot in Khavda village in Bhuj tehsil of Kutch district.
On July 24, a 23-year-old youth from Islamabad in Pakistan identified as Mahammad Farhanbasha Abubakar was detained from a mosque in Bhuj town of Kutch by police. Earlier on July 20, a Pakistani national named Himmat Gul Hussain (40), who appeared to be mentally unstable, was also held by BSF along the border near Khavda in Bhuj teshil of Kutch district.