"The BJP is going to target the Kashmiris as anti-national and harbourers of terrorists. It has already accused the PDP-led government of having failed to tackle terrorism."
Journalists hold a silent protest march against the killing of Rising Kashmir newspaper editor-in-chief Shujaat Bukhari, on Tuesday. File pic/PTI
After bringing down the PDP-led government in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), the BJP will target Kashmiris as anti-national and harbourers of terrorists, the CPI-M has said. "The BJP decision to bring down the government is a conscious political move keeping in mind the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections in 2019," said an editorial in the CPI-M journal 'People's Democracy'.
"The BJP is going to target the Kashmiris as anti-national and harbourers of terrorists. It has already accused the PDP-led government of having failed to tackle terrorism." The Communist Party of India-Marxist said that the issue of Kashmir was necessary for the BJP for its political platform for the Lok Sabha elections in the whole country.