With student suicides on the rise, SCE college in Kharghar has organised marathon on September 17 to raise awareness among the youth
Keeping in mind the recent rise in suicides and increasing problem of drug abuse among youth, a Kharghar college is organising a marathon with the objective to address the prevailing environment in the society.
Scheduled for September 17, Saraswati College of Engineering (SCE) has organised the SES Marathon 2013 to educate all generations in matters related to mental health wellness and raise awareness on these crucial issues.
The main idea behind the marathon is to prevent suicides and to bridge the communication gap between students, parents and teachers. Dr Alam Shaikh, principal, SCE, said, “Education and daily stress is taking a toll on students with some taking the drastic step of ending their lives.
If channels of communication are set up between troubled youth, parents and teachers, such extreme decisions can be nipped in the bud. Our mission through this event is to spread awareness regarding suicides and life threatening behaviours like drug abuse and rash driving.”
Vijay Patil, deputy commissioner of police (traffic), Navi Mumbai, who was present at the announcement ceremony, emphasised on the need of driving safely and promised his wholehearted support for the cause. “I fully support the initiative to create awareness on such important issues,” said Patil.
4km The distance for runners aged between 16-25
6km The distance for runners aged 25 and aboveu00a0