The country's second largest car maker, Hyundai Motor India, on Friday hiked the prices of its popular hatchbacks Santro, i10 and sedan Accent across all variants by up to Rs 14,636 with immediate effect to offset rise in input cost.
The country's second largest car maker, Hyundai Motor India, on Friday hiked the prices of its popular hatchbacks Santro, i10 and sedan Accent across all variants by up to Rs 14,636 with immediate effect to offset rise in input cost.
"The price hike is primarily due to rise in input cost. The price hike ranges from 1.2 per cent to 3 per cent," the company said in a statement.
The company's flagship hatchback Santro will be costlier by Rs 3,601 to Rs 5,163 after the hike, it said. Its premium compact car i10 will now be dearer by Rs 3,974 to Rs 7,637, while its sedan entry level Accent will cost Rs 14,636 more.
The company, however, did not tinker the Price of its newly introduced top-end sedan Sonata, while mid-sized sedan Verna was launched earlier this week with a new sports variant and at a revised price tag ranging between Rs 6.37 lakh and Rs 8.65 lakh.
Last December HMIL had reduced the prices after the government's announcement of a four per cent reduction in Cenvat.