Lokayukta Justice Hegde, a jury member for the Namma Bengaluru Awards launched by MP Rajiv Chandrasekhar to recognise contributions to city's development, slams selection process; says some names were 'imposed on us'
Lokayukta Justice Hegde, a jury member for the Namma Bengaluru Awards launched by MP Rajiv Chandrasekhar to recognise contributions to city's development, slams selection process; says some names were 'imposed on us'
Rajya Sabha member Rajiv Chandrasekhar's ambitious Namma Bengaluru Awards are in controversy, with a jury member, Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde, expressing unhappiness over what he says are discrepancies in the system of nominating people for the prize.
But Justice Santosh Hegde, one of the jury members, is not at all pleased with what is happening within the
awards body.
"Some of the names initially were imposed on us, but I chucked many out. This is probably the first and last time I am associating myself with such an award-giving body," Justice Hegde told MiD DAY. "People who are nominated have sent in their own recommendations or arranged it through their well wishers. But personally, left to myself, I will not recommend any such awards."
Source of funds
Nobody knows where the funds are coming from for the cash awards.
An official from Rajiv Chandrasekhar's office said it was an initiative by the Namma Bengaluru Foundation headed by member of Parliament Chandrasekar and is funded by around 15 corporate houses like Infosys, Cisco, Cafu00e9 Coffee Day, HRB Group and others. PricewaterHouse Coopers has been appointed to ensure clarity in the
selection process.
Justice Hegde was not aware of the source of funding for the cash awards.
"I don't know, at least I have not spent from my pocket," said Justice Hegde jokingly.
About 20 well-known faces from the city like actress Ramya, theatre personality Arundhati Nag, environmentalist Dr Yellappa Reddy and others are members of the jury.
Hegde said information about the nominees was procured from various sources and different private detective agencies were appointed for the purpose. He added that though he was a jury member, he was not clear about
the parameters for the selection process.
He said, "You have to believe in something and someone. If there is any person found to be corrupt, then I will not spare them. In any case I will not participate in such panels in the future."
The application forms were circulated in various offices of Bangalore One, Cafu00e9 Coffee Day outlets and other popular joints. Out of the 4,000 nominations, 26 were finally short-listed and 15 would be awarded on Saturday.
"The prize money is still not decided," said the official from Rajiv Chandrasekar's corporate office.
Jury member-cum-official spokesperson for Namma Bengaluru Awards, Ashwin Mahesh of the Agenda for Bengaluru Infrastructure and Development Task Force, was unwilling to comment, saying, "I am sorry, I can't talk to you now."