West Bengal Chief Minister says she will not allow nationwide 48-hour strike on February 20 called by the trade unions across the country, to disrupt public life
Trade unions across the country have called for a 48-hour strike on February 20 in support of a 10-point charter of demands which will promise them of a monthly minimum wage of Rs 10,000 for workers, jobs for the unemployed, stopping disinvestment of profit-making public sector units, enforcement of labour laws and maternity benefits for working women.
Dispelling any such rumour Banerjee added, “We won’t allow any strike. I am telling everybody — farmers, artists, businessmen, those who have to earn their daily living — that there will be no strike.”
Ridiculing the strike call, the chief minister wondered whether there was a quota for strikes and shutdowns as “two such disruptions are organised every year”. Banerjee said that the opposition was free to organise movements, but will not let them bring life to a standstill.