The Mumbai Crime Branch has arrested the fifth accused from New Delhi in the gangrape case of a 22-year-old photojournalist. The fourth accused was also arrested on Sunday morning in Mumbai
Mumbai gangrape: Complete coverage
With the two arrests on Sunday, all five accused in the gang-rape of the photojournalist have now been apprehended.
The third accused in the gangrape was arrested on Saturday evening.
The first accused was nabbed on Friday within 18 hours of the incident, and the second was nabbed early Saturday.
The gangrape incident
A woman photo-journalist with an English magazine and her colleague had gone on an assignment to the Shakti Mills Compound, Mahalaxmi in central Mumbai late Thursday when they were accosted by the five men.
They tied and assaulted the male colleague and gangraped the woman in thick undergrowth in the sprawling mill compound.