The poll bugles have been sounded. Getting ready for the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress Party has called its chief ministers and other state leaders to Delhi to discuss poll strategies in the early next week.
The poll bugles have been sounded. Getting ready for the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress Party has called its chief ministers and other state leaders to Delhi to discuss poll strategies in the early next week.
All India Congress Committee general secretary Janardan Dwivedi issued a letter to all the chief ministers and state leaders of the party to reach Delhi for a meeting to be held on February 8, 2009.
"The meeting is to discuss Congress strategies for the elections. Though the note circulated by Dwivediji does not specify the agenda, but state Congress committees are gearing up for the elections," said a source.
The BJP too has conducted various elections-related meetings.
Meanwhile, the Election Commission as part of its exercise for preparation for the General Election, 2009, is holding a series of reviews during the first week ofu00a0 February, said ECI spokesperson Rajesh Malhotra.
On February 3, the ECI will hold discussions with all seven national and 40 state parties on various issues connected with the general election.
A day after, all Chiefu00a0 Electoral Officers (CEOs) of all the states and Union Territories will review the photo electoral roll and distribution of I-cards.
Next in line are ECI meetings with all chief secretaries and police heads.