In a shocking incident, a stepmother from Bangladesh came to Pune and sold 16-year-old daughter for Rs 20,000. The incident came to light, when victim escape from the Katraj bungalow and inquired for a Bangladesh bus with a chicken shop butcher, who then alerted police
In a shocking incident, a stepmother from Bangladesh came to Pune and sold 16-year-old daughter for Rs 20,000. The incident came to light, when victim escape from the Katraj bungalow and inquired for a Bangladesh bus with a chicken shop butcher, who then alerted police.
A case of kidnapping and rape case has been registered with Bharti Vidyapeeth police station on Sunday late evening. The victim (16) has filed a complaint against her stepmother and Pune based youth Sohail.
Inspector Vijaysinh Gaikwad in-charge of Bharti Vidyapeeth police station said, “The girl hails from Dhaka in Bangladesh. Her mother expired when she was 13 year old and her father married another woman. Her stepmother ill-treated her and, on June 7, the girl was brought to Pune by her stepmother
“The victim smelt a rat after she brought to Katraj based bungalow where she found five other girls kept in a room and pleading to go back home. For two days, the victim was tied and raped by Sohail. Her mother left her after she accepted Rs 20,000.”
He added, “On Sunday afternoon, she left the bungalow claiming she want to bring milk from a nearby grocery store. After which she was found inquiring about Bangladesh bus from Pune. The chicken shop owner noticed her as no one was able to understand her language. After which she was brought to us. We too did not understand her language in order to cool down her and understand her, we called a counselor cum translator from Hadapsar-based rescue home and then she reveal the details. We immediately registered a complaint. The victim is undergoing a treatment at Sassoon General Hospital.”