The Jammu railway station on Friday echoed with a unique announcement which said "Yatrigan kripya dhyan dein, Vande Bharat train sankhya 244027 Kashmir jane ke liye platform number ek par khadi hai"
Locals and several passengers waiting for other trains at the station became ecstatic, shouting slogans of "Bharat Mata Ki Jai"
Many among them rushed to platform number one soon after the arrival of the special Vande Bharat train which will run from Katra to Kashmir
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to flag off the train from Katra, as the commissioner of Railway Safety has given the green signal for running the train service on the Katra-Baramulla section. The date of flagging off has not been announced
The Railways has completed the 272 kilometers of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) project