Amid the hustle and bustle of Mumbai, 22 students from the serene and remote land of Ladakh are experiencing a world far different from their own. For these students, most hailing from the isolated village of Turtuk, the vibrant energy of Mumbai is a stark contrast to the stillness of the snow-covered mountains of their home. Their hearts are full of hope and curiosity as they attend classes at Chembur’s AFAC English School, a part of a heartfelt three-month study exchange program. This initiative, running from November to February, was born out of a deep sense of compassion and the desire to provide these children with opportunities that would otherwise be lost due to Ladakh’s harsh winters. The students from Turtuk and other remote villages face the harsh reality of interrupted learning, leaving them to pause their education when the weather is most extreme. But thanks to the kindness and determination of individuals like Jitendra Mandlecha, the lives of these young minds are being changed. Mandlecha, who has always felt a deep connection to the people of Ladakh, first visited the region in 2018. His journey to Turtuk Valley exposed him to the challenges faced by local schools, and he knew he had to help. Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s appeal to support border communities, he launched a teacher training programme in 2019 in collaboration with the Kotak Education Programme. When the pandemic hit in 2020, Mandlecha found an innovative solution—encouraging trained teachers to form small groups and educate children in their villages. As the programme’s success grew, parents requested a dedicated school. In response, he converted a guesthouse into classrooms, giving birth to Turtuk Valley School, which now educates over 120 students. A new school building is set to open in June 2025. What started as a small initiative to help children through the winter months has blossomed into a movement that is changing lives, one child at a time.