'He's making a list, he's checking it twice, he's going to find out who's been naughty or nice' goes the popular Christmas song.
But Santa Claus has come to a Canadian town with a difference this Christmas — he’s armed with an automatic rifle and wearing a bullet proof police vest.
Abbotsford Police Department in British Columbia, Canada, have sent this rather unorthodox seasonal greeting as a part of Operation Resolution to everyone on its own naughty list this Christmas.
u00a0The force has sent the card to all known prolific offenders, gang members and drug dealers in a bid to get them to make it their New Year resolution to change their criminal ways.
The card features the force’s Police Chief Bob Rich dressed as Father Christmas in tactical gear with the accompanying message ‘Which list will you be on next year?’
The card also has a quote that says: ‘You are always only one choice away from changing your life’. A spokesman for the police department said, “We realise that Operation Resolution is different. We wanted to do something different but to also stay true to the spirit of the holidays. We sincerely believe that the holiday season is a time for reflection for many people in our community. A positive change can reap many rewards and benefits.”