RTA has instructed a New South Wales woman Kristen Perry to change her number plate because it means "vagina" when interpreted in Tagalog, the Filipino language
RTA has instructed a New South Wales woman Kristen Perry to change her number plate because it means "vagina" when interpreted in Tagalog, the Filipino language.
The Newcastle lawyer's personalized number plate reads "KIKI", which is also her nickname.
Perry said she was informed of her "offensive" nickname after first receiving her personalised plates five years ago as a gift from her husband.
She said the RTA had contacted her not long afterwards - making the demand she remove the plates on the grounds they were offensive.
"At first I thought it was a joke, but then I realised it was actually quite serious and that my number plates would be taken off me if I didn''t respond appropriately," the Herald Sun quoted Perry as telling the ABC news.
"Quite frankly it''s a bit of a funny thing, but at the same time quite a bit scary that we''ve got people that can just report a number plate that seems quite inoffensive to 99 per cent of us out there, but one per cent have an issue with it," Perry added.
The RTA has said it received a complaint by a Tagalog speaker who found the number plate "offensive".