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UN approves new body to promote women's equality

Updated on: 03 July,2010 10:52 AM IST  | 
Agencies |

The General Assembly has unanimously approved the establishment of a single UN agency to promote equality for women.

UN approves new body to promote women's equality

The General Assembly has unanimously approved the establishment of a single UN agency to promote equality for women.

The resolution adopted by consensus by the 192-member world body will put four existing UN bodies dealing with the advancement of women under a single umbrella that will be known as "UN Women."

Diplomats burst into applause when Assembly President Ali Abdessalam Treki banged his gavel signifying approval yesterday.

"This is truly a watershed day," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said. "By bringing together four parts of the UN system dedicated to women's issues, member states have created a much stronger voice for women and for gender equality at the global level."

"It will now be much more difficult for the world to ignore the challenges facing women and girls or to fail to take the necessary action," he said.

Approval of the resolution culminates a four-year campaign to streamline the UN's activities promoting the status of women led by the European Union and strongly supported by women's organisations and other non-governmental groups who hailed the birth of UN Women.

Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro called the vote "historic," saying UN Women will for the first time give the United Nations a "single recognised driver" to direct and accelerate progress towards the goals of women's.

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