Sports Minister M S Gill on Tuesday said that if fresh cases of corruption related to Commonwealth Games come up in future even after the end of the October 3-14 megaevent, the government will investigate into the charges and ensure "prompt and appropriate" action against the guilty.
Sports Minister M S Gill on Tuesday said that if fresh cases of corruption related to Commonwealth Games come up in future even after the end of the October 3-14 megaevent, the government will investigate into the charges and ensure "prompt and appropriate" action against the guilty.
"If things come in the future it will be looked into, after all October 16 is not the end of the show. I can assure you that the government is serious in this matter," Gill told reporters outside the Parliament.
"My take is very simple - the ministry has been very clear in the last two years that any complaint of any kind will be dealt with very promptly and taken up with the appropriate authority," he said.
Replying to a volley of questions on cases of corruption in various Commonwealth Games related projects, Gill said, "What is in the papers is there, perhaps...there is nothing more to say on this."
To a poser on whether the government has recommended action against the alleged corrupt officials, he said the Sports Ministry has taken such cases into consideration and has been pressing for prompt action.
On the poor construction work of stadiums, Gill said as far as his ministry and the Sports Authority of India is concerned, the Central Public Works Department is the executing agency.
"In the last two years, we have given dates of starting and dates of completion (of work). They are ready...Nehru stadium, swimming stadium...I am aware. You bring up minor flaws in heavy rain but do look at the total picture in all fairness to the country and to us," he said.
The Minister said the Organising Committee has started taking over the Games venues and fine tuning of the stadiums would continue. "The SAI and CPWD will be there to assist the OC stadium managers. The stadia will be ready and within two weeks you will begin to see," he said.