The Sports Gurukul will be conducting the Ajmera Football Championship League from December 5 at their ground at Bhakti Park (Wadala)
The Sports Gurukul will be conducting the Ajmera Football Championship League from December 5 at their ground at Bhakti Park (Wadala).
The championship will be held for boys and girls across U-6, U-8, U-10, U-12 and U-14 age groups. Matches will be held on weekends in two sessions — 9am-1pm & 5.30pm-9.30pm Besides prizes, promising players stand a chance to get selected for a coaching camp under coaches from Argentina's famous BOCA Football Schools.
The best player will attend an international coaching clinic. For entries, log on to or email [email protected] or call 9664876677 / 9220315243.