After winning India's maiden gold medal at the World Championships yesterday, wrestler Sushil Kumar said the achievement was bigger than him winning the bronze at the Beijing Olympics in 2008
After winning India's maiden gold medal at the World Championships yesterday, wrestler Sushil Kumar said the achievement was bigger than him winning the bronze at the Beijing Olympics in 2008."I am very happy with this win and this is bigger than my win at the Beijing Olympics," ecstatic Sushil said soon after his historic triumph.
Especially after this win, Sushil has established himself as a firm favourite to clinch a gold in the Commonwealth Games beginning in New Delhi on October 3.The Haryana grappler overcame Russia's Gogaev Alan 3-1 in the final of the 66kg freestyle event yesterday.
Sushil struck early by opening up a 2-1 lead in the first period of the bout, and then kept the pressure on the Russian with one more point in the second period to clinch the coveted gold.Earlier, Sushil had edged out Hasanov Jabrayil of Azerbaijan 4-3 in a closely contested semifinal.