The Mumbai Police have arrested gangster DK Rao and six other persons for allegedly trying to extort Rs 2.5 crore from a hotelier in Bandra area and threatening him, an official said on Thursday. Pics/Shadab Khan
Updated On: 2025-01-23 04:06 PM IST
Compiled by : Asif Ali Sayed
DK Rao, an associate of gangster Chhota Rajan, already has several criminal cases registered against him, including extortion
The Bandra police had received a complaint from a 50-year-old hotelier that Rao and six others allegedly conspired to take over his establishment
The hotelier has alleged that they demanded Rs 2.5 crore from him and issued death threats to him, the city crime branch official said
In his complaint, the hotelier also alleged that DK Rao's gang was harassing him for the last two years
After the repeated threats, he approached the Bandra police with the complaint, based on which a case was registered on Wednesday against DK Rao and the other persons, the official said