Dr Sohini Sastri is regarded as India’s best astrologer and she is the only astrologer to have been honoured by His Excellency President of India and the Hon’ble Vice President of India for her vast knowledge and contributions in the field of astrology and occult sciences.
Saturn enters Leo on July 16, relieving the pressure on your home and private life. This is also one more step out of obscurity after a few years of being overlooked. It’s had its advantages, though, because fewer people noticing you has meant you could work unhindered toward your objectives.You may notice aupliftment almost immediately; others will seem to suddenly realize how talented you are and give you something extra to do, especially around July 22.
The yearly Chiron cycle culminates, and a new Saturn cycle begins on July 23. Before then, you’ll feel a subtle shift as Saturn moves into Leo and your solar Fourth House. It’s time to buckle down and take care of any neglected responsibilities in your home and private life. This will pull you away from your recent focus on career, but it doesn’t have to happen immediately.
The interaction of Saturn and Chiron this month makes your need for a new direction in life even more evident. Although this has been happening for two years, it is especially strong this month in your Third and Ninth Houses. Saturn starts its new cycle on July 23 after entering Leo and your Third House on July 16.Also on July 23, Chiron’s yearly cycle reaches its culmination, challenging you to examine the progress you’ve made toward your goals.
Finally, Saturn moves out of your sign, Cancer! On July 16 it begins its occupation of Leo and your Second House of personal finance.The seeds of the initiatives of the past two years are now planted, and it’s time to begin developing them. You’ll be less stretched, less likely to feel overburdened now.Mercury turns retrograde on July 22 in the same area, giving you a glimpse of what you can do to improve your foundation and sense of security.
There’s a lot of action in your life now as the power areas of your chart are triggered. Saturn enters your sign on July 16 for a three- year stay.Your work begins now. You may decide that the only way to solve a problem is to take on an extra responsibility; if so, the good news is that you can solve the problem just by doing the work.Self-discipline is the key to your health now, as Saturn moves into your sign.
Dynamic events fill July, reflecting the high level of planetary activity. Your work, health, and daily routines will be most affected as Saturn and Chiron tread related patches of the sky, and then are triggered by Mars. Key dates are July 22 through 28.
Mercury retrograde starting July 22 heightens the inconvenience level of the situation but makes it easier to understand the problem.When Saturn enters your solar Twelfth House, you’ll enter a three- year period where some of your energy will go toward inner development.
Saturn enters Leo and your solar Eleventh House—a more hospitable place than its location of the past two years.You’ll feel that you can take a more constructive approach and get more accomplished now, and you’ve earned the right to feel that way.Now you can enlarge your opportunities by developing your social contacts. You won’t want to waste your time with people whom you consider unworthy of your attention.
Saturn and Chiron interact with each other July 16 through 30, as Saturn enters Leo. This brings a dynamic new process of restructuring into your career and how you balance it with your home and private life.The issues will be brought into stark relief through communications and paperwork, as Mercury begins another of its frequent retrogrades on July 22, this time in your Tenth House of career and public life.
Issues that arose in January will come back with a new twist as Saturn and Chiron interact once again.Starting at July 16 and lasting until July 31; there is a choice you can make in interpreting the events that you experience. Your interpretation of what occurs is critical to the outcome.In addition, contacts you make through written communication will be vital.
Your focus is drawn to finances, both in terms of your own resources and your access to those of others—from banks to your partner.This area is highlighted during the latter half of the month as Saturn enters Leo, your solar Eighth House, on July 16 and immediately contacts Chiron, already in your Second House.
Your process of self-transformation becomes less subtle after July 16 when Saturn enters Leo and your Seventh House.You’ll see yourself reflected in other people more dramatically, especially when Saturn contacts Chiron for the rest of the month. Key dates are July 19, 23, 28, and 31, as Mars and the Sun trigger them. Mercury adds a sharper understanding of what’s going on at the same time when it turns retrograde on July 22.You will get the chance to see your health from a new angle when Saturn enters Leo and your Seventh House of relationships on July 16.
The troubles surrounding the services you do for other folks become additional demands within the latter half of July, as Saturn enters your Sixth House and contacts Chiron beginning on July sixteen. Critical dates are July 21, 22, 23, 28, and 31, as Mars as well as the Sun include highlights for the course of action. Mercury enters its three-week retrograde on July 22, even more escalating action in these parts.
Connect with Dr Sohini Sastri at www.sohinisastri.com; [email protected]; 9163532538/9038136660