Renowned Bollywood photographer Jagdish Kamble aka Jagdish Aurangabadkar allegedly committed suicide at his residence in Goregaon this morning, police said
Jagdish Aurangabadkar with Dev Anand. mid-day archives
Renowned Bollywood photographer Jagdish Kamble aka Jagdish Aurangabadkar allegedly committed suicide at his residence in Goregaon this morning, police said.
The body of 65-year-old Jagdish Aurangabadkar was found hanging from the ceiling of his home, they said, adding the incident took place between 9 am and 12.30 pm.
The photographer had been staying alone since his wife and son left him a year ago over a property dispute, police added.
Vanrai police found six envelopes containing suicide letters in different languages addressed to his friends, thanking them for supporting him.