Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar should not be invited to inaugurate the 43rd International Film festival of India (IFFI), because he has denigrated Hindu deities in his latest film 'Oh My God', a right-wing Hindu group said Monday
'Akshay Kumar who is acting as an incarnation of Bhagvan Shri Krishna, is shown in Western attire. In place of Sudarshan Shakra, Bhagvan Shree Krishna is shown rotating a key chain in the finger,' Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) convenor Manoj Solanki has said in his petition handed over Monday to the chief minister's office (CMO).u00a0
Solanki has also said that the screening of the film 'Oh My God' should be banned in Goa because it hurt religious sentiments and that inaugurating IFFI at the hands of the actor would amount to 'rubbing salts on the wounds of Hindus in this secular state'. u00a0