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Actress Tinaa Dattaa showered with love in Armenia

Updated on: 12 July,2019 05:00 PM IST  |  Armenia
mid-day online correspondent |

Tinaa Dattaa got unadulterated love and blessings from the people there. Speaking about her overall experience Tinaa says, "I feel blessed to receive so much love. I was so touched this time in Armenia that it made me realise what I have."

Actress Tinaa Dattaa showered with love in Armenia

Tinaa Dattaa with a fan

Popular actress Tinaa Dattaa recently went to Armenia where her show Uttaran is a big hit and the people over there are crazy over Ichha. She has got unadulterated love and blessings from the people there. Speaking about her overall experience Tinaa says, "I feel blessed to receive so much love. I was so touched this time in Armenia that it made me realise what I have earned in life. I believe am the richest person because am blessed with pure love. Everything fades away, but this love always remains. It also makes me wonder that all over the world how much people love me. How much they care for me."

Tina had so many life-changing experiences in Armenia but few are definitely special. She met an 84-year-old lady who couldn't walk or even stand properly. But she was in love with Ichcha. She started crying when she saw Tinaa and just kept giving pecks on her cheeks and saying I love you, God bless u. And then she met a special child who couldn't even stand and yet had a zest for life. He was extremely happy to meet Tinaa and when he saw her he had a twinkle in his eyes.

Tinaa also met an old man who requested her not to cry as seeing her crying made him cry. Tinaa feels these moments are her priceless possessions in life. She adds, "Uttaran has a new meaning for me after experiencing the unconditional love from fans in Armenia. Such adulation has touched my heart. I felt so rich with love, emotions and blessings. The impact of being an actress has left me speechless and love from all over the world has rejuvenated me and I have to live up to the expectations of my fans. I am truly blessed and grateful to life and my career. Armenia I love you and will be ever grateful for all this."

Also read: An emotional goodbye from Tinaa Datta to Aashka Goradia on Daayan

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