If your daily commute to work involves your car, a subway, or a bus, a new study suggests that your trip could add extra stress to your life, and contribute to poor sleep, ill health, and even increased missed work days.
If your daily commute to work involves your car, a subway, or a bus, a new study suggests that your trip could add extra stress to your life, and contribute to poor sleep, ill health, and even increased missed work days.
Published Monday, the study found that commuters who traveled by bus, train, or car were more likely to suffer health complaints than those who cycled or walked to work.
The study involved data from 21,000 people ages 18 to 65 who live in Sweden and worked full-time. For the public transport users, the longer the journey the worse they felt. Interestingly, the drivers, however, had fewer complaints if their journey was over an hour, compared to drivers who had shorter commutes of 30 to 60 minutes.
However the researchers note that their findings, published in the journal BMC Public Health, only suggest an association between commuting and ill health and that further research is needed.
Another recent study published in the Journal of Health Economics suggests that women's mental health is affected by the work commute more than men's. WebMD cites that in that study, women's commutes were generally shorter than men's but that women suffered more psychological effects from the daily grind.