Dear Diana, I am 25 and have started dating this girl who is just a year younger to me. We get along very well and don't get into fights like other couples.
The only trouble is she has a serious smoking issue. In fact, I can say that she smokes like a chimney. Needless to suggest, I want her to quit. But I don’t want to strain our relationship because of this matter. I don’t care about the image she creates of herself in public but I do worry about the consequences it will have on her health eventually.
— Debabrita
Dear Debabrita,
First of all, if she cares about you and herself, she will listen to you. Making an addict quit smoking is the toughest thing to do. But don’t expect her to quit overnight, people usually don’t quit because someone tells them to unless faced with a health scare. Tell her to cut down on the consumption first and then gradually she can kick the habit. You will have to be extremely patient though. It will take a while and it all depends on her willpower to do. But you have to be the biggest motivator for her to do so.u00a0
Diana will solve it!
Write to Diana at [email protected], or fax her on 24150009. You can also post letters to Dear Diana, Mid Day, Peninsula Centre, Dr S S Rao Road, opp Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012