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Find out when your partner's flirting becomes cheating

Updated on: 26 January,2013 01:01 PM IST  | 

Want to know when flirting turns into cheating? Well, a psychologist has offered some tips

Find out when your partner's flirting becomes cheating

According to Michael Brickey, author of "Defying Aging," playful bantering or gentle flirting with someone outside of your marriage is harmless if proper boundaries remain intact, reports Live Science.

And he has named the 9 red flags that one should look for to know when things are getting out of hand with one’s partner:

u00a0If the talk has sexual agenda then you are probably in dangerous waters.u00a0

2. If you are rationalizing your relationship with the person.

3.If you are deleting your emails — either to her or from her — then that's a red flag, as deleting e-mails would mean that you are covering up something.u00a0

If you are sharing intimate sentiments with that person that you don’t share with your husband, or if you feel like your online companion understands you in a way that your spouse doesn't.

.u00a0If you're spending a considerable amount of time talking to him /her than to your partner.u00a0

6. If you are sharing intimate details about your marriage or your spouse, especially in a discourteous manner or with a flip attitude.

7. You have just won a red flag if a husband or wife has expressed disapproval of your communications with someone.

8. If your friend voices concern.

9. If your intentions are wrong.

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