Pune residence of a Mumbai cop has been robbed of gold and silver jewellery worth Rs 75,000 and Rs 1 lakh in cash. Security guard of the residential society, who is absconding, is prime suspect
The ransacked residence of assistant police inspector Vilas Pujari
The Pune residence of a Mumbai cop has been robbed of gold and silver jewellery worth Rs 75,000 and Rs 1 lakh in cash.
The police suspect the security guard at the residential society, who has been absconding since the incident, may be involved in the crime. The incident took place in the early hours of Wednesday at assistant police inspector (Mumbai Police) Vilas Sahadu Pujari's residence in Pune's posh Pimpri Saudagar locality.
"Pujari (46) owns a flat on the first floor of Nakshatra Apartment. The culprit was aware that Pujari was out of station, with his family. The family left on Tuesday and returned on Wednesday morning to find their home had been ransacked. Three gold rings, six gold idols of goddess Laxmi, several other ornaments and cash worth Rs 1 lakh is missing," Senior Inspector Ajay Chandkhede of Sangvi police station.
Pujari filed a case with Sangvi Police Station. During an initial probe it was found that the housing society's security guard, Mahendra Singh (25), is absconding. "We are now on the lookout for Singh," the officer said.