pallavi smart pallavi. smart@ mid- day. com WORK for the census will begin soon, and teachers, who will have to do it, are a worried lot, especially since their summer vacation will be compromised. A preliminary order stating census work will be at its peak from May 1 to June 15, and teachers will be the most required manpower for it, is out.
It states, u201c The census work dates clash with that of the summer vacation of teachers. In those days, teachers plan to move out of town. But since they are going to be needed for census work, it is the responsibility of principals of all government- aided schools to ensure that no teacher leaves town. If any teacher is found absent for the assigned census work, the principal of that school will be held responsible.u201d u201c This is when teachers are just completing evaluations. This includes board examinations. Specific orders are not out yet on how many teachers will be needed and in which areas, but a blanket order like this asking teachers to stay put in their towns without making any holiday plans is out. Why should teachers work on their holidays? This job can be adjusted during work days,u201d said Rajesh Pandya from the Teachers Democratic Front ( TDF).