The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in the city arrested police sub-inspector (PSI) of Vitthalwadi police station in Ulhasnagar, Subhash Ramkrishna Wagh for allegedly demanding a bribe of Rs 2 lakh from a cable operator on Thursday.
Wagh had arrested the cable operator’s wife under The Copyright Act for which the court had ordered her to report to the police station within 15 days. “Wagh refused to record her presence and agreed only after we paid Rs 5,000,” said the cable operator, whose wife then lodged a complaint at the police station.
Wagh allegedly demanded Rs 2 lakh for submitting the chargesheet and taking her statement. The couple then went ahead and registered a complaint with the ACB.
Wagh was arrested from Pritam Hotel, Badlapur while accepting Rs 2,000 as bribe.