The Shiv Sena chief also announced that a development plan for the Siddhivinayak temple will be implemented, with Rs 500 crore allocated for the project. The revamp will enhance facilities for Ganpati devotees and alleviate any inconvenience caused to them
Maharashtra Deputy CM Eknath Shinde inspects a redevelopment project in Prabhadevi.
Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister (CM) Eknath Shinde inspected six redevelopment projects in the Prabhadevi area of Mumbai on Thursday.
After inspecting the projects, a review programme regarding the pending redevelopment of Dadar, Mahim and Prabhadevi divisions was held under Shinde's chairmanship at Swatantryaveer Savarkar Auditorium in Shivaji Park.
The meeting was attended Shree Siddhivinayak Ganapati Mandir Trust President Sada Sarvankar, Milind Saundkar of SRA, and other public representatives along with a large number of residents of Prabhadevi, Mahim and Dadar areas.
The mass redevelopment plan will be implemented in coordination with Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA), Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA), Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC), Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA), City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra (CIDCO) and Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), the Deputy CM said.
"The government is committed to provide a spacious house to common Mumbaikars. Basic amenities, including gardens, health facilities, open grounds, will be provided through this mass redevelopment. The government will soon come out with a housing policy. This will include the availability of housing for senior citizens, students, working women, mill workers and affordable housing, and affordable rental housing through MHADA," he said.
The Shiv Sena chief also stated that developers who left the redevelopment projects midway and failed to pay rent to the residents will be removed, Shinde stated. "If the rules and laws need to be changed to provide affordable and spacious houses to common people, then it will also be done. A decision in this regard will be taken in consultation with Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. The stalled redevelopment works will be expedited through mass redevelopment. Similarly, a community development scheme has also been started in Thane. All the difficulties faced while implementing the collective redevelopment plan will be eliminated," he said, emphasising that everyone has a dream to own a beautiful, spacious house in their lifetime.
Before beginning the inspection of the six group redevelopment projects in Prabhadevi, Shinde visited the Siddhivinayak temple.
He also stated that the development plan for the temple will be implemented for which Rs 500 crore has been set aside. The revamp of the temple will provide more facilities to Ganpati devotees and the inconvenience caused to them will end, he added.