Soon after BJP declared on Thursday that Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) has joined the NDA and announced a seat-sharing pact between them in Assam, the regional party's chief denied joining the alliance saying the relationship is confined to sharing of seats only.
Soon after BJP declared on Thursday that Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) has joined the NDA and announced a seat-sharing pact between them in Assam, the regional party's chief denied joining the alliance saying the relationship is confined to sharing of seats only.
Earlier, BJP's leader LK Advani, flanked by AGP chief Chandra Mohan Patowary and NDA chairman Sharad Yadav, said, "We have not been able to convert the polity into a two-party system but have ended the single party rule of four decades.
The AGP's joining the NDA would go a long way in stopping further fragmentation of our polity."
Patowary, however, denied that the regional party has joined the NDA and termed the pact as mere seat sharing arrangement.
"We are not part of NDA. But we will fight elections together to defeat UPA. It is only a seat sharing arrangement with BJP," he said.
Patowary also made it clear that both the parties would have separate manifestos.
According to the pact, the BJP will field eight candidates in Guwahati, Nagaon, Mangaldoi, Silchar, Karimganj, Jorhat, Dhubri and Diphu constituencies while the regional party will contest in six seats - Dibrugarh, Lakhimpur, Tezpur, Kaliabor, Barpeta and Kokrajhar.