The Bengaluru city police, who began investigating the gruesome triple murder of Rahul Das, 45 and his family including wife Pushpalatha, 35, and daughter eight-year-old daughter Agneeshu, have just obtained crucial information from Das's mobile phone
The Bengaluru city police, who began investigating the gruesome triple murder of Rahul Das, 45 and his family including wife Pushpalatha, 35, and daughter eight-year-old daughter Agneeshu, have just obtained crucial information from Das's mobile phone. The Rammurthy Nagar police have also begun interrogating some of Das's employees.
The police suspect that the killers were known to the family and paid an informal visit before drugging and murdering them on Tuesday night. A few drinking classes, half a bottle of whisky, a pencil and a pencil sharpener were found in the Das residence.
The trio's highly decomposed bodies were found scattered around on Friday afternoon. Rahul's body was found hung upside down and his head immersed in a bucket of water. Pushpalatha and Agneeshu were found dead in the bath tub. The killers, after murdering the trio, locked the bathroom door from the outside and also locked the attached bedroom door. The main door of the residence was also locked from outside.
Meanwhile KK Das, Rahul Das's brother and a lecturer at Bijapur's Al Ameen College, came down to Bengaluru to perform the last rites. Rahul's ailing father, BB Das, who is based in Guwahati could not come down. BB Das informed police that Rahul was a good-natured person and did not have any enemies. There were no external injuries found on the bodies and no signs of forced entry at the Das residence in Jayantinagar.