Amidst the ongoing controversy relating to the CBI raid on the Delhi Secretariat, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said that the investigation agency has been asked by the ruling dispensation to target those who do not fall in line
New Delhi: Amidst the ongoing controversy relating to the CBI raid on the Delhi Secretariat, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said that the investigation agency has been asked by the ruling dispensation to target those who do not fall in line.
"A CBI officer told me yesterday that CBI has been asked to target all opposition parties n finish those who don't fall in line," Kejriwal wrote in a tweet. The Aam Aadmi Party has been firing salvos at Finance Minister Arun Jaitley after the CBI raided the Delhi Secretariat.
Arvind Kejriwal. Pic/AFP
Kejriwal accused the Centre of targeting him in a bid to shield Jaitley, whose alleged involvement in a Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) scam is being probed by the Delhi government. The BJP, however, rubbished the allegations by the AAP.
Refuting the allegation, Jaitley said, ¿A state government and the party, which is in the dock for having supported corruption and interfered in the probe in this manner cannot deflect the issue. I can reply if they can tell me specific issue. I cannot reply to vague allegations.¿