A Delhi-bound GoAir flight, with 166 passengers on-board, on Wednesday suffered a bird-hit soon after take-off, after which it returned to the Ahmedabad airport, the airline said
A Delhi-bound GoAir flight, with 166 passengers on-board, on Wednesday suffered a bird-hit soon after take-off, after which it returned to the Ahmedabad airport, the airline said. Following the incident, which took place around 9 am, the Airbus A320 aircraft returned to the airport for inspection, a GoAir spokesperson said in a statement.
"GoAir flight G8 720, which departed from Ahmedabad to New Delhi, suffered a bird hit during take-off this morning," the spokesperson said. Following the standard operating procedure, the aircraft returned to Ahmedabad as a precautionary measure for inspection, the statement said.
All the 166 passengers on board were accommodated in other flights of GoAir as well as of other carriers to Delhi.
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