Police have arrested 51 members of Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh (BBM), led by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar's grandson, Prakash Ambedkar, for allegedly trying to forcefully enter a south Mumbai college over a governing body dispute and injuring police officials.
As many as 51 members of Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangh (BBM), led by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar's grandson Prakash Ambedkar, were today arrested for allegedly trying to barge into a south Mumbai college over a governing body dispute and injuring cops for stopping them.u00a0
Over 200 activists of the BBM today gathered outside Siddharth College, run by People's Education Society, founded by the chief architect of Indian Constitution Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in 1945 with a view to spread legal education to all sections of people particularly amongst the poor and the middle class.
The society was earlier run by Dr Ambedkar's son, who died in 1977, the BBM said alleging that it was later taken over by individuals, who were running the college for their "personal gains".
The BBM also alleged that one of the family members of Ambedkar has to be a member of the society, a rule which was "not being followed".
The BBM claimed that Prakash Ambedkar has the authority to become a member of the society and the latter should be allowed to be a part of the governing body. With the current governing body opposing the move, Prakash's group today tried to barge into the college.
"Over 200 people gathered outside the college disrupting the vehicular traffic. They tried to enter the college by climbing walls. When the police intervened, the protesters thrashed the cops. Following this, the cops cane charged the crowd to bring the situation under control," said a police officer at Azad Maidan Police Station.
A total 35 men and 16 women were arrested on charges of rioting, unlawful assembly and preventing policemen from discharging their duty, police said.u00a0