On Thursday Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar were booted out as poll candidates by the Congress party after massive protests by members of the Sikh community.
On Thursday Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar were booted out as poll candidates by the Congress party after massive protests by members of the Sikh community.
The Sikh community insists that Tytler played a prominent role in the 1984 riots. After dillydallying, the Congress realised it was probably paying too a heavy price by allowing them to contest elections.
Speaking to a TV channel Tytler has said what happened in 1984 was a shameless act and apologised to the Sikh community.
"I apologise to the whole Sikh community for what happened. Whatever happened was a shameless act. The administration, the governor, should have controlled but they did not. I had actually abused the governor as he was enjoying his drink while the carnage was on," Tytler said.
"My heart says a lot of embarrassment has been caused to the party. I don't think i should fight," he added.