Sidhhant Mangesh Patil (13), a resident of the Manik Baug area on Sinhagad Road, was knocked down by a milk tanker owned by Thote Doodh yesterday afternoon. The Std VIII student of NMV School, died on the spot.
Sidhhant Mangesh Patil (13), a resident of the Manik Baug area on Sinhagad Road, was knocked down by a milk tanker owned by Thote Doodh yesterday afternoon. The Std VIII student of NMV School, died on the spot.
The incident took place at 4.30 pm on Sinhagad Road. Siddhant's relative Chimaji More, who lives in the same area and was the first one to reach the accident spot, told MiD DAY, "Some locals informed me about the incident. I reached the spot at 4.45 pm. I saw Siddhant lying in the pool of blood."
He added, "Passers-by told me Siddhant and his brother were crossing the road on their cycles. Siddhant indicated a right turn with his hand for the tanker that was behind him. But the driver was speeding and dashed into him. His brother had managed to cross the road."
The Haveli police have registered a case against the unknown driver, who fled after the accident.