Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) of Gurgaon, Rajesh Kumar, on Wednesday said that the medical reports of the Nepalese girls, who were allegedly raped by a Saudi Arabia diplomat, confirm that they were sexually assaulted
Gurgaon: Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) of Gurgaon, Rajesh Kumar, on Wednesday said that the medical reports of the Nepalese girls, who were allegedly raped by a Saudi Arabia diplomat, confirm that they were sexually assaulted.
"The medical reports confirm the allegations (of sexual assault)," Kumar told ANI.
The two Nepalese women who were allegedly raped a Saudi Arabian man, being brought at a hospital for medical test in Gurgaon on Tuesday. Pic/ PTI
"Ministry of External Affairs had asked for a detailed report in this matter. We have mailed detailed report to them. We will proceed according the directions," he added.
Earlier, Gurgaon's Police Commissioner Navdeep Singh Virk had said that the accused diplomat enjoyed a diplomatic immunity.
Police on Tuesday rescued two women who alleged that they were tortured, sexually assaulted and kept in bondage for months in a Gurgaon home of a diplomat from Saudi Arabia.