After rising over 158 points in opening trade on Tuesday, the Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex fell over 21 points over yesterday's close, at 1130 hours on profit-taking by funds and retail investors at improved prices.
After rising over 158 points in opening trade on Tuesday, the Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex fell over 21 points over yesterday's close, at 1130 hours on profit-taking by funds and retail investors at improved prices.
The Sensex fell by 21.76 points at 9,044.94 at 1130 hours after stocks of realty, metals and consumer durables declined on profit-taking.
Similarly, the 50-share National Stock Exchange index Nifty fell by 13.75 points at 2,752.90, after rising to 2,813.60 at the outset.
Marketmen said apart from profit-taking by funds as well as retail investors, the gloomy outlook for corporate earnings also dampened trading sentiment.