On January 6, the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) held a large protest at Lower PMG Square in Bhubaneswar, criticizing the BJP government. The protest focused on issues like inflation and the rising cost of essential goods. Drone footage captured the scale of the demonstration, which included many BJD supporters. Naveen Patnaik, the Leader of Opposition and former Chief Minister of Odisha, took part in the protest, showing his support for the cause. The protestors voiced their concerns over the increasing prices, which have been affecting the daily lives of the people in Odisha. The BJD demanded action from the central government to address these issues.
06 January,2025 05:50 PM ISTDonald Trump's plan to use tariffs to strengthen the US economy has sparked debate. He proposed imposing tariffs on all imports, with higher rates for countries like China and India. As President-elect, Trump warned China, India, and other BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) of a potential 100% tariff if they undermine the US dollar or try to replace it with another currency in international trade. His comments came after a BRICS meeting in October, where members discussed reducing reliance on the US dollar. This could trigger a second wave of trade wars once Trump takes office in January.
17 December,2024 12:13 PM ISTConsumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Minister of India Piyush Goyal met Maharashtra Agriculture Minister Dhananjay Munde in Delhi on August 22. The meeting was to discuss a strategy to control the soaring prices of onion. Union Minister Piyush Goyal informed that NCCF and NAFED will be soon purchasing onions from Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat and other areas where onions are grown so that farmers get the right price for their produce. “We all know that in the past few days, as per the orders by Government of India, NAFED and NCCF purchased 3 lakh tons of onion from Nashik, Lasalgaon, Ahmednagar and this region. 40 per cent export tax has been imposed on onion so that there is an adequate quantity of onion available in India. From 11 am today, NCCF and NAFED will begin the purchase of 2 lakh more tons of onion from Nashik, Pimpalgaon, Lasalgaon, Ahmednagar and the entire region. More purchases will be made in the future if needed. NCCF and NAFED will also purchase onions from Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat and other areas where onions are grown so that farmers get the right price for their produce. The price for purchase today has been decided to be Rs 2410 per quintal. No farmer needs to worry,” said Piyush Goyal.
22 August,2023 02:54 PM IST | MumbaiTomato price rise across India has taken each Indian kitchen by storm. As the vegetable markets see an acute shortage of tomatoes and a steep price rise due to rains, Indian kitchens that are known to use tomatoes extensively seem to be left with no option. But worry not. Here are 5 ingredients that can help you replace tomatoes in your cooking.
28 June,2023 07:47 PM ISTReacting to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s ‘drug capital’ remark over Gujarat, Union Home Minister Amit Shah at the Lok Sabha during a short-term discussion took a dig at the Congress leader in his own style. The replay was given over the Congress leader’s allegations of Gujarat being a ‘drug capital’ during the state Assembly Elections. “Gujarat has become the centre of drugs. All drugs are moved from Mundra port but your government doesn't take any action. This is the Gujarat model. Gujarat is one state where you have to take permission before protesting; permission from those against whom protest will be done,” Rahul Gandhi said.
27 December,2022 04:38 PM ISTReacting to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s ‘drug capital’ remark over Gujarat, Union Home Minister Amit Shah at the Lok Sabha during a short-term discussion took a dig at the Congress leader in his own style. The replay was given over the Congress leader’s allegations of Gujarat being a ‘drug capital’ during the state Assembly Elections. “Gujarat has become the centre of drugs. All drugs are moved from Mundra port but your government doesn't take any action. This is the Gujarat model. Gujarat is one state where you have to take permission before protesting; permission from those against whom protest will be done,” Rahul Gandhi said.
26 December,2022 02:02 PM ISTFinance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, speaking to scholars of The Brookings Institution in Washington on Tuesday, said "External Challenges To The Indian Economy Are Big".
12 October,2022 03:02 PM IST | MumbaiBig statement of Union Minister Nitin Gadkari at Bharat Vikas Parishad Paschim Kshetra Sammelan, Nagpur. The Union Minister said, “We are a rich nation with a poor population. Our country is suffering from hunger, poverty, inflation, unemployment"
04 October,2022 12:42 PM IST | MumbaiAccording to Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce and Industry, India is on track to become a $30 trillion economy in the next 30 years by its robust GDP growth. During the Luncheon interaction with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), he said, "India has undergone game-changing economic reforms. There is renewed enthusiasm to expand the frontiers of economic activity. Growth rates in India suggest we are on course to become a $30 trillion economy in 30 years.” The Union Minister is on an official visit to the United States where he will attend the first Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) ministerial meeting.
06 September,2022 03:09 PM ISTFinance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is all set to present her fourth union budget on February 1, 2022. Most of the Mumbaikars expect Union Budget 2022 to address the various issues faced amid the Covid-19 crisis. From relief on taxations, inflation to employment, here's what Mumbaikars wants from FM Nirmala Sitharaman.
31 January,2022 10:31 PM IST | MumbaiADVERTISEMENT