Uttar Pradesh police conducted a mock drill at various sites of the Mahakumbh Mela Nagar in preparation for the large religious event. Uttar Pradesh's Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar personally inspected the ongoing security arrangements for the Mahakumbh Mela, set to begin on January 13. (PICS/PTI)
05 January,2025 12:16 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaAn atmosphere of spiritual fervour an devotion has filled the air in Prayagraj as the much-awaited Mahakumbh Mela draws near. Pics/PTI
04 January,2025 07:53 PM IST | Asif Ali SayedKarun Nair set a new world record. Here is all you need to know (Pic: Instagram)
03 January,2025 06:40 PM IST | Sujay ShivalkarA dense layer of fog has blanketed Delhi and several other major cities in India as the cold wave continues into 2025. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), visibility at Delhi's airports was reported at zero meters on Thursday. (PIC/PTI)
02 January,2025 12:08 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaThe temple towns of Ayodhya and Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh witnessed an unprecedented influx of devotees on the first day of New Year 2025, on Wednesday (PICS/PTI)
01 January,2025 10:00 PM IST | Divya NairHindu devotees across the world are eagerly waiting for Mahakumbh 2025, which will begin on January 13 in the ancient city of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh (PICS/PTI)
30 December,2024 02:16 AM IST | Divya NairThe Peshwai procession of Awadh has reached Prayagraj ahead of the upcoming 'Maha Kumbh Mela' 2025. It will feature a vibrant display of India's cultural diversity from January 10 to February 24. (Text/ANI, Pics/PTI)
23 December,2024 01:10 PM IST | Joy ManikumarThe Maha Kumbh Mela, regarded as the world's largest spiritual gathering, is a magnificent display of devotion, faith, and ancient traditions. Hindu pilgrims make their way along the banks of the Sangam, where the Ganges, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati rivers converge, in anticipation of the Maha Kumbh Mela festival in Prayagraj. (Pic/ PTI & AFP)
17 December,2024 11:24 AM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaPrime Minister Narendra Modi performed a ceremonial pooja at the Sangam Nose in Prayagraj on December 13, 2024, ahead of the 2025 Maha Kumbh. He was accompanied by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Governor Anandiben Patel. (PICS/PTI)
13 December,2024 01:58 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaUttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel has announced the formation of a three-member judicial inquiry commission to investigate the November 24 violence in Sambhal. (Pics/PTI)
29 November,2024 01:12 PM IST | ronak mastakarADVERTISEMENT