Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding was a grand event. Yesterday's Mangal Utsav (reception) saw several influencers putting their best fashion foot forward as they posed for the camera. From Kusha Kapila and Beerbiceps (aka Ranveer Allahbadia) to Ankush Bahuguna, here's a look at who all attended the grand Utsav.
15 July,2024 12:40 PM IST | Shachi ChaturvediThe celebrations continue! After their grand wedding ceremony, it's time for the much-anticipated reception for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. Get ready for a night of glamour, A-list guests, and heartwarming moments as the newlyweds embark on their journey as husband and wife.
14 July,2024 11:31 PM IST | Tuhina UpadhyayCannes Candids Day 3: A regular at the film festival, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made her 21st appearance at the festival on day 3. She was seen in a custom Falguni Shane Peacock outfit as she attended the festival
17 May,2024 09:42 AM IST | Athulya NambiarADVERTISEMENT