For the first time in history, Pune will host the prestigious Army Day Parade on January 15. Rehearsals for the 77th Army Day Parade are in full swing at the BEG Centre in the city, featuring a diverse array of contingents that depict the spirit of a modern and future-ready Indian Army (Pics/X)
08 January,2025 07:16 PM IST | Jyoti ShuklaThe Indian Army has launched a Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) mission in response to a flooded coal mine incident in Dima Hasao, Assam. The incident occurred in the remote "3 Kilo" area of Dima Hasao, located near the Assam-Meghalaya border, leaving approximately 15 to 20 miners trapped inside. (Pic/ PTI)
07 January,2025 02:54 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaDefence Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday celebrated the festival of colours, Holi with the Indian Armed Forces in Leh. Pics/X @RajnathSingh
24 March,2024 04:26 PM IST | Devashri BhujbalThe Dighi Hills in Pune on Tuesday witnessed a breathtaking display of para jumps by serving and veteran personnel of the Bombay Sappers. Pics/PTI
30 January,2024 05:52 PM IST | Devashri BhujbalA sudden cloud burst over Lhonak Lake in North Sikkim resulted in a flash flood in the Teesta River of Lachen Valley, leading to the reported disappearance of 23 army jawans (Pic/PTI)
04 October,2023 10:34 AM IST | Anagha SawantDefence Minister Rajnath Singh recently visited Siachen glacier, the world's highest battlefield, and interacted with soldiers guarding the border beyond the heights of 12,000 ft. Rajnath took to social media to share inside photos of his visit and we must say they are quite humbling. See pictures. (All Pictures Courtesy/Twitter Rajnath Singh)
06 June,2019 09:04 AM ISTADVERTISEMENT