A 30-year-old man named Karan was arrested in East Delhi's Shakarpur for allegedly installing spy cameras in his tenant's home, capturing footage without her consent. The incident came to light on September 25 when the woman discovered three hidden cameras, including one in the bathroom. After confronting Karan, she recorded his admission and shared the video with her relatives via WhatsApp. However, she soon found that the video had been deleted, indicating that her account had been hacked. The victim emphasized that the responsibility for tenant security lies with the landlord. Police have registered a case under Section 77 of the BNS Act, highlighting the serious nature of the invasion of privacy. This unsettling incident raises concerns about tenant safety and the misuse of technology, calling for stricter measures to protect individuals in their own homes. Watch video.
26 September,2024 11:49 AM ISTAmaal Mallik catches up with mid-day.com as he celebrates his hundredth release 'Tujhe Chaahta Hoon Kyun.' He also speaks about the inspiration behind his songs on heartbreak, writing songs in the toilet and much more
05 June,2022 11:14 PM IST | MumbaiImran Khan will play an unwilling object of seduction in Shakun Batra's Short Term Shaadi. In a bathroom, no less! The seductress will be played by starlet Soniya Mehra.
18 October,2011 08:05 PM ISTRekha expressed her secret desire for music at the launch of Lata Mangeshkar's album 'Sarhadein'.
18 April,2011 09:43 PM ISTWatch bollywood actress Katrina Kaif's hot and wet avatar seducing fans in a bathtub.
16 May,2014 08:29 AM ISTAlia Bhatt is a true Bhatt and she proved that with her bold reaction to a journalist's query at a promotional event.
12 August,2014 08:25 PM ISTJustin Bieber and Ellen Degeneres caught 'making out'. Check out the video and let us know what you think.
07 February,2015 12:11 PM ISTAt least 30 baby cobras were recovered from a house in Haryana. Ravindra Singla, a resident of Karnal district, was in for a shock when he spotted snakelets in his bathroom one fine day.
23 May,2016 07:38 PM ISTThis week's episode of Bigg Boss Weekend Ka Vaar was quite shocking as Salman Khan entered the house and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom of the house and later slammed the housemates for being so unhygienic. Rohit Shetty talked to Sidharth Shukla and Asim Riaz after which they resolved their differences. Watch this video to know the biggest highlights from the Weekend Ka Vaar episode.
30 December,2019 06:00 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT