In an exclusive interview with Mayank Shekhar, Manoj Bajpayee reflects on his evolution from 'Satya' to 'Despatch' as a Mumbaikar. His latest film, Despatch, is a gripping crime drama that explores the dark world of journalism, with Bajpayee portraying a journalist. He discusses his experience working with director Kanu Bhel, whose intense character workshops push actors to their emotional limits, often leaving them in tears and in need of therapy. Bajpayee reveals how Bhel’s uncompromising direction challenged him as an actor, helping him reach new heights in his performance in 'Despatch.'
13 January,2025 03:33 PM ISTFrom playing Bhiku Mhatre in Satya to delving into the crime world as Joy Bag in Despatch, Manoj Bajpayee has nailed the Mumbaikar onscreen more than once. However, despite living in Mumbai for 3 decades, he still doesn't feel at home here. On the latest episode of Mid-day’s podcast series The Bombay Film Story, Manoj, who has set an example of how an outsider can survive in the industry despite various challenges, speaks about his relationship with the city.
08 January,2025 12:00 AM ISTManoj Bajpayee, Rituparna Sen, Gulshan Devaiah, Shahana Goswami, and several other celebrities were recently spotted attending the screening of Despatch, a gripping thriller that has generated significant buzz. The event was a star-studded affair, with the actors making stylish appearances and sharing their excitement about the film. Watch the video for more.
11 December,2024 09:23 PM ISTThe cast and crew of the thriller film 'Despatch' shared their experiences and insights into the making of the film. Manoj Bajpayee spoke about the praise the film has garnered, as well as his bold, nude scene in the movie. He also shared an anecdote about filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s reaction after watching the film, revealing how Kashyap’s feedback made him chuckle. Along with Manoj, Shahana Goswami, Arrchita Agarwal, and director Kanu Behl discussed the project, offering a glimpse into the creative process behind this gripping film, set to release on Zee5.
05 December,2024 05:44 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT