The Namo Bharat trains have now arrived in Delhi, offering a new era of fast travel for the city. Passengers were impressed by the train's comfort, calling it a step up from the metro and a time-saver. As a warm gesture, each passenger was given a rose, making the experience special. A notable moment was the recognition of Anil Marwah, who had the honor of being part of the inaugural journey in both phases of the train's launch. The Namo Bharat trains are set to revolutionize travel in the National Capital, making commuting faster and more comfortable for everyone.
06 January,2025 11:30 AM ISTPermanent Roommates, India's first web series, has completed 10 years since its release. After 3 seasons, the story of Mikesh and Tanya remains one of the most endearing and whacky love stories on the Indian web space. As the series completes a milestone, actors Sumeet Vyas, Nidhi Singh and Shishir Sharma recall fond memories of making the show at a time nothing like this existed on the internet. The cast share their reaction to the characters on the show and how they look back at it today. And yes, they do hint at the possibility of another season of Mikesh and Tanya. Watch the interview to relive some magic of Permanent Roommates
30 October,2024 07:00 PM ISTDuring his visit to Russia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded Team India's unwavering determination in the T20 World Cup. He emphasized the team's resilience and commitment on the global stage, highlighting their exemplary performance and sportsmanship. PM Modi underscored the significance of sports in fostering international relations and unity, reflecting on India's proud sporting legacy. His remarks underscored the nation's pride in its athletes and their ability to inspire the youth. This recognition during an international visit underscores India's growing influence in global sports and its commitment to excellence on the world stage. Watch video for more.
09 July,2024 02:37 PM ISTThe Indian Railways achieved a historic milestone on June 16 by successfully conducting an extensive inspection of the Chenab Bridge, the world's highest railway bridge in Jammu & Kashmir. During this significant event, a railway wagon traversed the bridge, marking a crucial phase in the ambitious project aimed at enhancing railway connectivity in the region. Local residents celebrated the successful inspection, highlighting the bridge's importance for the area. Railway officials, after a thorough inspection on June 15, announced that rail services from Sangaldan to Reasi will commence from June 30, further underscoring the project's progress and impact on regional development.
17 June,2024 02:19 PM ISTAfter achieving the 1.5-crore dose breakthrough (including both 1st and 2nd shots) on November 10, #Mumbai has achieved 100% first-jab milestone on November 13. With a target adult population of over 92,36,000, the #CoWin dashboard registered 92,50,555 administered first doses and the 60,21,858 second doses.
13 November,2021 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiAhead of completing 30 years in the music industry, Salim Merchant lists five milestones that defined the journey of music composer duo Salim-Sulaiman
14 June,2021 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiRoyal Challengers' batsman Virat Kohli tells NDTV that he is keen on enjoying his good form and building on it rather than chasing milestones, some which are next to impossible to achieve like Sachin Tendulkar's 100 centuries. Video courtesy: NDTV
06 April,2012 05:23 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT