Mukesh Khanna who has famously portrayed the role of ‘Shaktimaan’ and ‘Bhishmapitamah’ in Mahabharat is known for his blunt opinions in the media. In this interview with Mid-day’s Katyayani Kapoor, Mukesh Khanna opened up on being disappointed by movies like Aadipurush for inappropriate representation of Mythological characters. He also praised the South Indian film industry for keeping the history intact while making historical films. Take a look.
15 January,2025 07:19 PM ISTDiwali 2024, the festival of lights, sweets, celebrations and feast is here. Each year during Diwali, there is a big debate around practising the tradition of burning firecrackers during Diwali. Do firecrackers really symbolise Diwali? Well, historically, as per sources, Diwali had nothing to do with firecrackers! Let’s travel back in time and discover the journey of firecrackers in Diwali.
29 October,2024 01:31 PM ISTMythology is not just ancient history, it holds a treasure of life lessons for all of us. Hanuman Chalisa is one of the most viewed videos on Youtube but what message does it really convey? The internet is rife with pictures of Ram Setu and discussion on finding the Sanjeevani, but where does it find its roots in Mythology? Ramrajya has always been defined as an ideal world by many but what was it really like? In this special episode of Straight Talk with Katyayani Kapoor, renowned mythologist, author, and writer Devdutt Pattnaik spills secrets on the hidden messages from the Ramayan, the Hanuman Chalisa and gives his opinion on the depiction of mythology in today’s world.
15 June,2024 07:29 PM ISTJagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2023 is here and this annual festival happens to be one of the oldest and grandest festivals in Odisha and countrywide. Each year, a large number of devotees gather from all over the country in Odisha to partake in pulling the chariot at Jagannath temple in Puri and this temple is no ordinary. Jagannath temple is surrounded by an array of mysteries that are still unexplained. Here are some intriguing and astounding mysteries related to the temple.
19 June,2023 11:40 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT