Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai commented on the Sandhya Theatre stampede issue, saying that Revanth Reddy seems to be trying to outshine Allu Arjun in Telangana. He claimed that Reddy wants to show he is more important than the famous actor. Annamalai pointed out that some of the people who created chaos and threw stones at Allu Arjun’s house were from Reddy's constituency. He argued that this was politically motivated. He further stated that victimizing or bullying someone is wrong. He added that Allu Arjun had no intention of causing harm, and while the incident should not have happened, it was unfair to target him for it.
25 December,2024 10:53 AM IST69th National Film Awards: Actress Alia Bhatt was conferred with the Best Actress Award for her performance in the film 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' at the 69th National Film Awards in New Delhi. Alia arrived at the ceremony with actor and husband Ranbir Kapoor. Alia donned her wedding saree for the occasion and Ranbir complemented her in a black bandhgala. Ranbir Kapoor seemed proud of his wife Alia as she went up on stage to receive the award. Ranbir was spotted recording the prestigious moment. Actress Kriti Sanon was spotted pulling off the trendy 'Pushpa' pose with Allu Arjun. Watch the full video for more!
18 October,2023 06:07 PM ISTPushpa star Allu Arjun was spotted at the Sanjay Leela Bhansali Office which made all the heads turn. Many reports suggest that the two might collaborate in SLB's next.
15 March,2022 07:50 PM IST | MumbaiAs 'Pushpa The Rise' movie hits the theatre, here are first few reactions from the people who saw the movie on Friday. Allu Arjun And Rashmika Mandanna starrer film, released in Hindi on December 16, is directed by Sukumar Bandreddi. The film has originally been released in Telugu along with dubbed versions in Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi languages.
17 December,2021 08:07 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT