Bollywood stars and influencers turned heads at a star-studded influencer award night. Kartik Aaryan looked dashing in a suit, while Uorfi Javed grabbed attention with her bold all-black attire. Shalini Passi brought her fashion A-game, and other notable personalities like Anushka Sen, Raj Shamani, Anaita Shroff Adajania, Anshula Kapoor, Sumukhi Suresh, and Shenaz Treasurywala & others also dazzled on the red carpet, making the evening a celebration of style.
19 December,2024 05:40 PM ISTActress Shenaz Treasurywala in her open letter has mentioned Narendra Modi, Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan and has requested them to fight for safety of women in the country. Watch the video to know more.
12 December,2014 02:47 PM ISTBollywood actress Priyanka Chopra reacts to Shenaz Treasurywala's open letter to India's most popular and powerful men requesting them to take strict actions against rapists and sexual offenders. Watch the video to find out more.
12 December,2014 09:21 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT