The duo reportedly paid between Rs 5 to Rs 10 lakh for assistance, which included being given Bluetooth devices and SIM cards to facilitate the malpractice, revealed police sources.
18 January,2025 05:15 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialRunners too, must use pavements when convenient, as it is less risky
17 January,2025 08:14 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialOur report stated that officials stated despite repeated meetings and reminders to food delivery app executives to enforce strict rules and blacklist repeat offenders, concrete action is yet to be taken
16 January,2025 06:39 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialThis report hits close to home. There are a myriad of street vendors in Mumbai, with their carts, cooking and selling foodstuff
15 January,2025 06:58 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialResidents have stated post January 20, they will go on a huge protest if there is no cognisance of repeated complaint letters and subsequently, no action
14 January,2025 06:55 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialThe boys had been warned by the girl’s mother not to roughhouse it near her daughter but they ignored her
13 January,2025 07:01 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialThere are reports trickling in about special centres being prepared and the Centre telling states to ‘stay alert’
11 January,2025 07:40 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialIt was a horrific, numbing and extremely painful incident. She may recover from the physical pain but the mental scars will remain
10 January,2025 08:41 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialThroughout the investigation, not one CCTV camera captured the shooter’s face or the bike’s registration number or number plate
09 January,2025 06:42 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialFadnavis further stated that currently, Maharashtra has the highest number of under-construction infrastructure projects in the country going at a rapid pace
08 January,2025 06:40 AM IST | Mumbai | The EditorialADVERTISEMENT